Eros Review

The classified listings site is one that’s been around for many, many years! Ever since I created the website, I wanted to make sure that I could provide the most detailed information on the Internet related to dating possible. Which is why I started reviewing escort sites. The Eros site is one that … Read more Review

I’ve covered so many types of sites over the years. One type that I’ve spent an exceptional amount of time studying is escort sites. There are some really shady tactics that take place on many of these types of sites. One site that I recently came across was It is pretty obvious that this … Read more

The Other Board Review

Having spent thousands of hours using dating paltforms and escort networks, I’m able to sniff out the nonsense. Trust me, it’s rampant out there and if not laser-focused when searching, you’re going to have the wool pulled over your eyes. It’s very easy to see the issues and why you should avoid many sites, one … Read more

Private Delights Review

Do you believe in escort sites? If so, then there is a really good chance that you’ve been scammed. The escort websites are the worst, really! One that I actually tested out recently is called Private Delights. It’s one of the many sites out there attempting to connect Jon’s with hookers. Here’s what I learned … Read more

Live Escort Reviews – A Complete Site Breakdown

I’m going to be completely honest with all of you. I never use the services of an escort and I would never recommend anyone else do so either. Look, I’m not being a prude here, I’m all for getting your groove on with whoever you want. That said, using Live Escort Reviews is something I … Read more